About Cibo Pelle


Cibo Pelle is a all-natural body products, made exclusively by hand in small batches using organic ingredients. The products are created daily on a made to order basis. It is this process that ensures absolute freshness and quality, this labor of love is what makes using Cibo Pelle truly a unique experience.


It is our wish that we will all begin to treat our skin with love and care. It is our first line of defense against outside toxins and it provides protection for our internal selves. Why put toxic chemicals on your skin that will be absorbed into your body when there is no need?

The Cibo Pelle journey began about seven years ago when we started making all-natural body products and giving them as gifts for holidays and special occasions with the intent of bringing happiness and a sense of well-being to my friends and family. It worked!


It was from their constant love and encouragement that Cibo Pelle Cutaneous Food For Mankind was born. Our mission was to create a line of all-natural body products to feed and nourish your skin in a multitude of scents at an affordable price. We also have created a variety of unique fragrances to match your individualism and emotional code. It is our hope that these products will nurture your skin and help you feel good while evoking an array of emotions from desire to power and vitality to relaxation.